

I'm Chris Griffin, a designer, developer, tinkerer, soccer / football / fútbol enthusiast, husband, dad living in Los Angeles by way of Portland and Florida. I've been doing this web thing for a while.

About Me

Chris Griffin
I started out building websites with a pirated version of Photoshop, writing mangled HTML & CSS in Notepad on my Windows 98 PC, and uploading my wonderful creations to GeoCities. When this website stuff turned into a paying job, the web standards movement was picking up steam, and I became fascinated with building websites using semantic HTML and CSS. Having operated as a product designer and front-end engineer for SaaS products for some time, I have found my niche in the design systems space.

As a self-learner and tech DIY-er, I have added to my arsenal of knowledge across several disciplines over the years. working with small to large startups. For a recent list of my experience, please check out my résumé.


This website was designed in Figma and built with Gatsby, React, and Theme UI by hand. Website is hosted by Netlify. Design token management via Token Studio and Style Dictionary. Is this overkill for a personal site? Probably, I like to tinker with new tools.

See my resume

View or download my resume. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

Drop me a line

Please feel free to contact me
if you want to level up your design system, or just to say hello. / Linkedin / Github
©2024, Chris Griffin. Made in California.